Saturday, September 8, 2007

Tribute to full time mom

Dearest Libby my hunny...
How’s the weather in heaven ?? I’m sure the weather is always nice, warm,& sunny ya , Liv? Or is it changeable as you wish ?? weather in Jakarta has started to rain again…
Last week on the way from Durban to Johannesburg , I have a long discussion with my friend from Philippines , her name is Joko (lucu ya namanya kayak orang Jawa… padahal nama lengkapnya Jo Katherine Ko) on working and non working woman. The conversation started with me telling her, how grateful I am as a person, as a husband, & as a father. (I really am Liv.. I think Allah SWT has granted me so much to me…). Earlier in the meeting room, Joko saw my wallpaper on the computer which has pictures of you, Adelle, and Aliyya… what can you do.. I’m a proud dad… She said that I have three very pretty princesses. I told her about you and she was so sorry to hear that, although she has slightly known the story from somebody else. Then the discussion went on to a topic on working and non working woman/mom…. I told her that mommy stop working when she got married to me…it’s her conscious decision to stop working to devote herself to us. I told Joko that mommy is actually much smarter than me, so the decision to stop working was really a big sacrifice for her. However, it’s not like I asked her to stop working. We discussed on what are the risks and benefits of her working. Which eventually came to conclusion that it will be better for all of us if she stop working and really devote her time for us (lebih besar mudharat daripada manfaat if she continued working). I told Joko that I really appreciate mommy’s decision and sacrifice. I never undermine her of not working and leaving me to become the only breadwinner for the family. In fact, I believe what mommy’s doing in day to day is much harder, more noble, and tiring compared to what I do day to day… so in nutshell.. I really respect her so much for what she does…don’t get me wrong, Liv, I also respect and admire mom who is working and can balance between work and family… however in my case, I put higher respect for non working mom (like mommy), reason being apart from what I have mentioned above, full time housewife is really a tough job !! she’s sacrificing her own ego, sacrificing her ambition, not to mention 24 hours handling domestic issues (including hassle to feed the children, taking care the children, ensuring children’s well being, health etc) is really a hard and tough job. No wonder, many full time mom is actually more stressful than working mom…(isn’t it ???).
So therefore liv, I want to say to all fulltime housewife/ mom reading this love letter…be proud of yourself !! you contribute much more (if not the most) to the family.. you deserve a recognition (or rewards if possible, right liv ?)
Gotta go liv… I’m a bit hungry…have you eaten yet ?? I wonder what you eat in heaven… let me know my darling…

Lots of kisses and big hugs
Ayah dicky

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