Thursday, January 10, 2008

11th Anniversary

Hi Libby,
What’s up sweetie pie ? I wanna interrupt my story about my trip to London with something very important. Today is mommy’s & daddy’s 11th wedding anniversary. Yup next January will be my 11th januaries I spent with mommy as my wife. I just want to use this occasion to reflect and tell you how lucky I’am, having your mom as my wife as the mother of all my children. She’s really an amazing woman. I couldn’t have enough words to tell stories about her greatness… she’s simply the best for me….
Let me start with the story of how we met and how we became a true partner in crime till now…forever…. and ever…Mommy and I met the first time in Unpad’s volleyball’s court ?? in front of Aula Unpad in Dipati Ukur. It was 16 years ago during UNPAD's OPSPEK. Mommy was running because she was late, she was wearing white blouse and white skirts, two ponny tails, with couple of ribbons in her hair. She was pretty but to be honest, I wasn’t really attracted to her, knowing that in my eyes (at that time) all pretty girls are materialistic (Semua cewek cantik = MATRE !! ha ha ha), beside she wasn’t really my type either.. she was a bit bitchy (judes ! syape loe ???… that’s what I thought at that time, ha ha ha)…. But I was happy that I found out that she was in the same major as me (international relations).. so at least we have pretty girls in our classroom…
Later we became good friends, mommy was Tante Emeh’s friend in high school and Tante Emeh was Oom Thanon’s friend while Oom Thanon was my friend in high school.. so to cut the story short, we became best friends (among 8 other friends : Oom Thanon, Tante Emeh, Tante Olla, Oom Dikky Panjul, Oom Andit, Tante Mega, Oom Bombom, Oom Ogie and plus Oom Deddy Morded). We were notorious group of hedonistic beautiful people (ha ha ha) in the campus. Well, Mommy, Tante Olla, Tante Emeh, and Tante Mega were the kembangs of the kampus…the pretty ones (of course there were some other girls who were also pretty but they were among the popular ones). And during our first year of college, we always played around, hang around in Gelael (eat in KFC) , we went dugem in SE, watched movies together, had dinner together, went to subang, went to Puncak, went to Pangandaran, went to lembang, etc… it was all played, played and played… ha ha ha…as if we have nothing to worry… the group was known as The Cerdas Jaya group… a lot of people in the campus looked cynically to us… because as if all that we cared about was playing and having fun… well they were’nt totally wrong either… ha ha ha… all that we care about was really having fun… but yet we still get good grades… of course except oom panjul and Oom Bombom (sorry nya Nyul & Bom…) our GPA were still above 3 in our first year of college, in fact I was having one of the highest GPA in the class. Almost all of the girls on the group at that time were having relationship (including mommy… darn !!) but all of them were in the process of breaking up (bener nggak sih ??? ha ha ha… jangan2 gue ngarang).
Along the way…, on March 15, 1992, I declared my love to mommy in mommy’s house in Jl.Ciremay… (ha ha ha…nyalip di tikungan). But we kept it secret to other group members… until we finally announced it to everybody.. but you know when some people in the group are having relationship then of course it will affect the others. Cerdas Jaya was sort of falling apart… there were distances in some of the members for a while, until everything went back to normal again toward end of our college years.
Mommy and daddy were inseperable at that time… you could almost see us together wherever we went. We were like siamesse twins… ha ha ha…We watched movies almost every Tuesday because that’s when new movies coming out at that time in Studio 21. we didn’t go to clubs or disco that much…. Because both of us don’t drink alcohol and we were lousy in dancing… but very often I treated mommy to Glosis or Tizi’s which are the top restaurants in Bandung at that time…. Or just went to Cisangkuy for a glass of yoghurt… most importantly, we were always together…We spent the college years together… literally everyday..
Did we fight ? of course.. being a jealous and insecure guy (knowing that I’m not that handsome, not that macho, not that rich, not that smart, etc) I always have a strong jealousy toward any guy who tried to approach mommy (mommy had so many fans at that time… huuuhh!!), so most of the fight was started because of my jealousy. I remember one time mommy got so mad that she broke glass of her house’s front door with her fist (now that foolish act of course cause her to bleed etc)… now you see how she could get really angry… hiii syerem. but we always settled the fight in less than three days…we could barely far away from each other. In the process, I turned mommy into a typical girl that I like….the way she dress, the way she talk, the way she behave… (nggak bener ya ?? he he he…). She transformed herself into a gracious &; elegant girl … or I should say I turned her into a lady (ha ha ha….) Despite of our fights but our relationship was mostly filled with loves and laughs…not so much of tears…
Then, after having steady relationship for about 4 years, after I graduated from the college and got good job in Astra Internasional, Uti asked me, how serious I was with mommy and asking what to wait till we get married. Otherwise she would give mommy to other guy… ha ha ha… So I answered that I was really serious and planning to make her accompany me for the rest of my life. So we planned for the engagement time (or in this case, more of a lamaran) on August, 1996. We set the date for the marriage on Saturday night, December 7, 1996. So after short preparation, since both mommy and I were working at that time in Jakarta, we got married in Secapa Bandung (at that time, that’s the biggest hall that we could use for 1200 invitees). Mommy was really really pretty on the wedding day…she was wearing green kebaya and I was wearing green beskap, the color theme was green (come to think of it, I couldn’t recall why we choosed green as our color theme…). Mommy was having her period on that day !! (darn !!). As I have told you, we didn’t have honeymoon since I have to start working in Unilever as management trainee the following week.
Now of course I wouldn’t be able to tell you day to day stories of our marriage. But what I can tell you is that I don’t feel any less love toward her (if only not increasing)…. I love her as much as when she was my girlfriend (again if not more). We still fights (now mostly about money… ha ha ha)… but we still fill our marriage with loves (lots and lots of loves) and laughs…we take and give, we compromise… if one of us got mad, one of us will be quiet so there were hardly big fights in 11 years of our marriage.Within 11 years of our marriage, of course so many things have happened,…. happiness as well as sadness (the worst sadness of course was when you left us)… but we learn to use the principle of “Berusaha, Berdoa, Bersyukur, dan Bersabar” . We try and work hard for everything we do, we pray to God to bless us with the best result, we are thankfull if God give us what we think good for us, and we are patience when God give us something which we feel bad for us. Mommy has been really the best partner for me sailing through the current and waves of life.She’s always there through the best and the worst time of my life.She has given me three beautiful daughters… I wouldn’t be able to live without her….she’s my half….she’s simply THE BEST !! ((I love you very much shaney….thank you for always being there for me, thanks for being patience with my childishness, my ignorance,….please accompany me till the end of my life).
Sebelas Januari Bertemu
Menjalani Kisah Cinta Ini
Naluri Berkata Engkaulah Milikku
Bahagia Selalu Dimiliki
Bertahun Menjalani Bersamamu
Kunyatakan bahwa Engkaulah jiwaku

Akulah Penjagamu
Akulah Pelindungmu
Akulah Pendampingmu
Di setiap langkah-langkahmu

Pernahku Menyakiti Hatimu
Pernah kau melupakan janji ini
Semua Karena kita ini manusia

Akulah Penjagamu
Akulah Pelindungmu
Akulah Pendampingmu
Di setiap langkah-langkahmu

Chorus:Kau bawa dirikuKedalam hidupmu
Kau basuh dirikuDengan rasa sayang
Senyummu juga sedihmu adalah Hidupku
Kau sentuh cintaku dengan lembut
Dengan sejuta warna

Let me know liv if you want to ask something from me.. Gotta go now…good night Libby.

Love you always
Ayah dicky