Hi sweetie..
Udah makan belum liv ? (eh di surga juga ada lapar dan perlu makan, kan?? ). Ayah baru aja makan steak yang dibikinin sama tante Amy.Lumayan enak juga, empuk dan marinate nya cukup nyerep.
Liv, ayah kemarin baru pulang dari acara kantor di Mega Mendung yang lagi dingin banget karena hujan. Di acara itu team Ayah jadi juara satu, liv... lumayan dapet voucher Carefour walaupun jatahnya ayah, ayah kasiin buat para sekretaris di kantor. Nah di acara ini ada satu kegiatan di mana kita harus membuat thank you note dan feedback untuk orang lain. Ayah seneng dengan kegiatan ini karena dengan demikian kita bisa dapet feedback mengenai hal baik maupun hal buruk yang orang lain lihat dari kita. Herewith some of the feedbacks yang ayah dapet :
From XXX : Aku malah banyak mengenal & belajar banyak tentang pemikiran dalam hidup dari blog pak Dicky (aku suka baca your letters). It’s explain a lot tentang the way you bring up your family ‘n I really appreciate those value (keep writing ya pak…you never know berapa banyak yg terinspired dari tulisan2 mu)
Soal kerjaan, aku bersyukur punya MM mantan CD, malah aku jadi belajar banyak kombinasi sales & marketing from you.. thanks pak buat inspirasi2 nya. Cheers XXX
Dear Pak Dicky
Saya nggak punya kata2 lain selain : Terima kasih, Terima kasih, dan Terima kasih... mungki pak Dicky gak ngeh’ tapi banyak sekali guidance dan semangat yang bapak kasih ke saya… I meant what I said di testi Friendster.. and also waktu sharing session.. kalo orang bilang katanya BB-BD susah nyatu.. saya malah ngerasa jadi anak BD yang punya bapak BB.. stay cool ya pak.
Ps. Saya selalu ingat waktu di Manila nasehat bapak untuk enjoy work and learn as much as I can from Unilever
Last year was a lot easier for me because of your understanding.
When I feel sad, I know whon I should talk to
When I feel happy, I know whom I should share with
When I feel disappointed, I know whom I should scream to
When we all move on, I know I can count on you as a friend
Dear Pak Dicky
Saya terinspirasi dengan yang ada di bapak adalah : Walaupun Bapak sangat sibuk dalam pekerjaan, tetapi tetap penuh perhatian terhadap keluarga
Best regards
Dear Pak Dicky
Just wanna drop ‘BIG THANKS’ for your support… your learning and our discussion J. It means a lot to me !
And keep you ‘funky’ style along with ‘nyantri’ style
Last.. proud for being part of your team
Dear Pak Dicky
Terima kasih untuk sharing pengalaman di every meeting and occasion. Thanks juga untuk telah menjadi contoh selalu Shalat tepat waktu dan berjamaan, hanya sedikit WL 3 yang do this, pak. Kalau ada salah mohon maaf, pak.
Terima kasih
Thanks karena sudah mau diganggu dengan pertanyaan 2 yg bodoh J
Dulu aku kira pak Dicky galak dan dingin... ternyata enggak. Pak Dicky itu Warm (nggak maksud carmuk ya…)
Satu hal yang aku mau ngucapin thank you yang luar biasa. When my 1st prez aku ngerasa dibantu dengan banyak sekali masukan dan coaching dari bapak.. and it raise my heart in the middle of my desperate moment.. thank you pak…
Tulisanku jelek bgt ya.. gpp ya…
Ya udah ya pak..
Mudah-mudahan anaknya lahir selamat dan sehat
Dear Dicky
Your commitment to develop and nurture peole is superb! The way you give assessment on XXX is a very good evidence. If you continue doing it, I believe you’ll become a true leader in the future. I expect that you’ll make a big difference while in Foods
Dear Pak Dicky
Thanks a lot for accepting me in Savoury Foods Marketing team. It’s a priviledge for me to be able to join the “fun”team.
Input : Jangan terlalu “cool” dong pak. He he he… no hard feeling
To : Dicky
From : L
Pak Dicky yang ganteng dan tidak sombong, terima kasih buat kebaikan hati , ngajakin annual conf. sehingga menambah kesibukan gue (secara gak ada kerjaan gitu loh, jadi seneng banget J )
Plus lunch2 bareng dong nanti, jangan mengkhianati lagi dengan bebek goreng sama mbak Okti, he he he..
Thanks buat everything,
Keep the ‘FUN’, ‘GARING’ & ‘GAK MUTU’ soalnya it makes other people’s life brighter. J
Nggak semua ayah masukin ke sini karena sebagian ada yang sangat spesifik dan personal/ private. Tapi it really feels good to read all of those notes… mengingatkan ayah bahwa doing good really feel goods for other people and for ourselves. Nah kalao terima feedback yang bagus sih kita seneng denger nya,.. tapi gimana kalo kita terima feedback yang nggak bagus.. can we stand the critics ? Ayah pernah mendapatkan feedback dari team bahwa ternyata banyak yang mengira, atau bahkan merasa bahwa ayah adalah orang yang galak. Suatu feedback yang terus terang mengagetkan ayah karena sama sekali ayah tidak bermaksud untuk menjadi orang galak. Ayah sama sekali tidak pengen jadi boss… ayah sangat ingin jadi coach bagi team ayah. Coach yang bisa membantu mereka mencapai apa pun yang mereka inginkan.. coach yang bisa membantu mereka mencapai tujuan. Tetapi ternyata ayah dilihat sebagai sosok yang galak, dan dingin… Masya Allah.. padahal ayah pecicilan begini, mana mungkin bisa dibilang galak. But actually it’s a genuine and honest feedback. Ayah baru sadar bahwa banyak tindak tanduk dan kelakuan ayah yang membuat suasana menjadi angker/ menyeramkan. It’s a really a good feedback that I can use to improve myself. And as a human being, pasti lah ayah sangat jauh dari kesempurnaan, ayah perlu orang lain yang melihat dari luar dan mengingatkan apakah tindak-tanduk ayah sudah benar atau belum. Memang awalnya pasti kaget begitu mendengar feedback yang nggak enak, apalagi kalau kita tidak merasa demikian. Tapi ayah sangat-sangat menikmati dan menghargai feedback tersebut karena kita akan sangat sulit menilai kekurangan kita…
Udah dulu ya liv.. ayah mau bobo dulu…ngantuk nih liv… good night sleep tight..
Cium sayang
Ayah dicky
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Who are We to judge ??
Dearest Libby ku sayang,
Kamu inget sama tante Icha kan, mamanya Echa??…tante Icha ini salah satu sahabat ayah yang paling deket. Kita berlima (Oom Aryo, Oom Jo, Oom Bondan,Tante Icha dan ayah) dulu setiap makan siang di kantor selalu bareng-bareng…terlibat ekskul, kabur bareng dari kerjaan,dll pokoknya isinya ketawa-ketawa mulu. Kamu pasti bingung kan kok cuma tante icha sendiri yang cewek… well, kamu nggak usah bingung karena walaupun di KTP tertulis jenis kelamin wanita, tante Icha ini 99% adalah lak-laki tulen dengan segala kegagahan dan kegarangannya, pokoknya semua ciri laki-laki ada pada dia walaupun seringkali dia berusaha menutupi kelaki-lakiannya dengan memakai pakaian feminine seperti rok mini, dll… Namun demikian Tante Icha dengan 1% kewanitaannya adalah sosok yang sangat penuh perhatian, baik hati, jagoan lagipula pintar. Belum lagi kekayaan dia yang luar biasa dimana sering aja tiba-tiba dia cerita “ eh tadi gue lagi beres-beres kamar ternyata nemu handphone baru yang masih di box, gue lupa kapan gue belinya…” atau lagi “eh, waktu gue buka pintu belakang rumah gue, gue nggak sadar di belakang rumah ternyata ada Taman Safari”.” Eh, waktu gue ke garasi gue nggak sadar ternyata gue punya Alphard”. Dengan kekayaannya yang luar biasa itu, Tante Icha sering berbagi dengan teman-teman, ayah nggak pernah nggak dapet kado dari dia kalo ulang tahun (eh come to think of it… cuma dia yang selalu kasih kado ke ayah setiap ulang tahun). Dia juga sering jadi tempat pinjem duit temen-temen terdekatnya yang kesulitan. Karena kebaikan dan kedekatannya dengan kita-kita ini sampe-sampe Tante Icha selalu menjadi sasaran kecemburuan banyak orang...dari mulai istri-istri kita sampe istrinya Pak J (bener nggak cha ?? ha ha ha). Tapi dia emang terlalu pecicilan sih jadi aja dicemburuin...
Nah, surat ayah kali ini memang bukan pengen cerita tentang Tante Icha yang nggak penting itu. Tapi ada yang lebih penting yaitu mengenai ”Judging People”. Kamu mungkin tahu ya liv, kita sebagai manusia seringkali punya kecenderungan menilai orang lain. Menilai orang lain itu jelek, menilai orang lain bodoh, menilai orang lain munafik, menilai orang lain jahat, walaupun nggak selalu menilai hal yang jelek-jelek aja sih. We, as human being, can not contain ourselves from judging others....apa aja mengenai orang lain dianalysis dan dikomentarin. Balik lagi ke Tante Icha… jadi tante Icha ini setelah memiliki stempel/stigma sebagai anak urakan/ ancur, dll. Ini pun karena orang yang menilai dia seperti itu. (emang salah dia sendiri sih yang bikin stigma seperti ini... ha ha ha) memutuskan untuk memakai jilbab... Alhamdulillah.... Eh seperti yang sudah diperkirakan sebelumnya... heboh lah seluruh dunia, gimana Icha yang sangat ancur itu bisa memakai jilbab... mulai lah orang cari tahu apa motif dari pemakaian jilbab itu... walaupun tentunya hampir nggak mungkin lah menemukan motif utama dari keputusan itu karena hal itu merupakan suatu hal yang sangat pribadi dan cuma tante Icha yang bisa menjawab. Mulai lah orang-orang kasak-kusuk cari tahu, ada yang mulai membuat analysis and assumption
1.Mungkin Icha pake jilbab biar orang nggak nyangka lagi dia adalah laki-laki
2.Ooh Icha sekarang mungkin sudah masuk Islam....
3.Mungkin biar tidak menjadi sasaran sexual harassment para laki-laki tidak bertanggung jawab yang bilang ”My Mummy is yummy lah”, atau ”Paru-parunya sehat” lah...dll..
4.Mungkin pengen merubah image ancur nya
5.Mungkin karena jilbab lagi ngetrend sekarang
Pokoknya banyak lah assumsi-asumsi yang beredar di masyarakat lengkap dengan komentar : ”mudah-mudahan dia istiqamah”, ”semoga dia ngga cuma ikut-ikutan doang”, ”Nggak ngaruhlah kalo udah ancur mah ancur aja” dan segala macam komentar yang dari mulai simpatik (sopan) sampe yang melecehkan keseriusan tante Icha. Setiap hari tante Icha selalu ditanyain orang ” Kenapa loe pake jilbab?” dia minta saran sama ayah gimana jawabnya ” ayah bilang jawab aja ” Karena gue bisa”.. abis perkara kan... see how people is so nosy about other people’s business. Mereka mempertanyakan keputusan tante Icha, mereka menyangsikan keseriusan dia, mereka menyangsikan ketahanan tante Icha pake jilbab, sebagian malah mencibir... ”hiih munafik, kelakuan masih gitu aja sok sok an pake jilbab”... why suddenly do they so care so much about her ?? kenapa pula mereka mempertanyakan hal-hal itu ?? so what kalau tante Icha memang munafik ? so what kalau tante icha memang cuma ikutan trend ? so what kalau dia memang nggak serius ?? so what ? so what? Jauh-jauh hari ayah bilang sama tante Icha bahwa keputusan untuk pake jilbab harus datang dari hati yang paling dalam dan it shouldn’t come from external pressure. Nggak ada artinya pake jilbab hanya karena takut dibilang ancur, pengen dibilang shalihah, pengen dipuji orang, takut dicibir orang kalo pake rok mini dan baju kutung mulu. Pake jilbab sebaiknya adalah ”karena hati saya ingin berbakti kepada Allah SWT”. Resiko untuk memakai atau tidak memakai jilbab pasti ada... selalu ayah bilang kan ”in every choice there are consequences.” salah satu resiko adalah ya itu bagaimana orang menilai kita (other people judging us).. padahal kalo dipikir-pikir who are we to judge ?? apakah dengan memakai jilbab kita pasti masuk surga ? apakah dengan tidak pake jilbab kita pasti masuk neraka ?? siapa yang tahu kecuali Allah SWT. Ayah ingat hadits mengenai cerita pelacur yang memberi minum anjing dan kata Rasulullah pelacur itu adalah ahli surga... siapa yang tahu.. Who are we to judge ??? memang benar kita harus berusaha memperbesar kemungkinan dengan berusaha mengikuti aturan atau perintah Allah, tapi at the end of the day.. cuma Allah SWT yang tahu. Nah kalaupun tante Icha suatu saat memutuskan untuk tidak memakai jilbab lagi, ayah masih sangat menghargai keputusan dia, karena ayah tahu keputusan itu pasti mengikuti kata hatinya. Paling tidak ada masa dimana dia memperbesar kemungkinan masuk surga dengan memakai jilbab untuk berbakti kepada Allah SWT. But then again, who knows....0ne thing for sure, i think we don’t have the right to judge other people.. because we DON’T know (makanya jangan sok tahu….). Maka dari itu (makdartu… halah), ayah cuma kasih saran ke tante Icha…”biarkan siapapun menggonggong….loe harus tetap berlalu”. Stay firm with your decision, whatever it is…(Way to go, cha !! I admire your courage to follow your heart and go against all odds)
Udah dulu ya liv, kita lagi di bandung nih, mau pulang ke Jakarta… nanti kita ngobrol lagi ya…
Miss you very very much..
Ayah dicky
Kamu inget sama tante Icha kan, mamanya Echa??…tante Icha ini salah satu sahabat ayah yang paling deket. Kita berlima (Oom Aryo, Oom Jo, Oom Bondan,Tante Icha dan ayah) dulu setiap makan siang di kantor selalu bareng-bareng…terlibat ekskul, kabur bareng dari kerjaan,dll pokoknya isinya ketawa-ketawa mulu. Kamu pasti bingung kan kok cuma tante icha sendiri yang cewek… well, kamu nggak usah bingung karena walaupun di KTP tertulis jenis kelamin wanita, tante Icha ini 99% adalah lak-laki tulen dengan segala kegagahan dan kegarangannya, pokoknya semua ciri laki-laki ada pada dia walaupun seringkali dia berusaha menutupi kelaki-lakiannya dengan memakai pakaian feminine seperti rok mini, dll… Namun demikian Tante Icha dengan 1% kewanitaannya adalah sosok yang sangat penuh perhatian, baik hati, jagoan lagipula pintar. Belum lagi kekayaan dia yang luar biasa dimana sering aja tiba-tiba dia cerita “ eh tadi gue lagi beres-beres kamar ternyata nemu handphone baru yang masih di box, gue lupa kapan gue belinya…” atau lagi “eh, waktu gue buka pintu belakang rumah gue, gue nggak sadar di belakang rumah ternyata ada Taman Safari”.” Eh, waktu gue ke garasi gue nggak sadar ternyata gue punya Alphard”. Dengan kekayaannya yang luar biasa itu, Tante Icha sering berbagi dengan teman-teman, ayah nggak pernah nggak dapet kado dari dia kalo ulang tahun (eh come to think of it… cuma dia yang selalu kasih kado ke ayah setiap ulang tahun). Dia juga sering jadi tempat pinjem duit temen-temen terdekatnya yang kesulitan. Karena kebaikan dan kedekatannya dengan kita-kita ini sampe-sampe Tante Icha selalu menjadi sasaran kecemburuan banyak orang...dari mulai istri-istri kita sampe istrinya Pak J (bener nggak cha ?? ha ha ha). Tapi dia emang terlalu pecicilan sih jadi aja dicemburuin...
Nah, surat ayah kali ini memang bukan pengen cerita tentang Tante Icha yang nggak penting itu. Tapi ada yang lebih penting yaitu mengenai ”Judging People”. Kamu mungkin tahu ya liv, kita sebagai manusia seringkali punya kecenderungan menilai orang lain. Menilai orang lain itu jelek, menilai orang lain bodoh, menilai orang lain munafik, menilai orang lain jahat, walaupun nggak selalu menilai hal yang jelek-jelek aja sih. We, as human being, can not contain ourselves from judging others....apa aja mengenai orang lain dianalysis dan dikomentarin. Balik lagi ke Tante Icha… jadi tante Icha ini setelah memiliki stempel/stigma sebagai anak urakan/ ancur, dll. Ini pun karena orang yang menilai dia seperti itu. (emang salah dia sendiri sih yang bikin stigma seperti ini... ha ha ha) memutuskan untuk memakai jilbab... Alhamdulillah.... Eh seperti yang sudah diperkirakan sebelumnya... heboh lah seluruh dunia, gimana Icha yang sangat ancur itu bisa memakai jilbab... mulai lah orang cari tahu apa motif dari pemakaian jilbab itu... walaupun tentunya hampir nggak mungkin lah menemukan motif utama dari keputusan itu karena hal itu merupakan suatu hal yang sangat pribadi dan cuma tante Icha yang bisa menjawab. Mulai lah orang-orang kasak-kusuk cari tahu, ada yang mulai membuat analysis and assumption
1.Mungkin Icha pake jilbab biar orang nggak nyangka lagi dia adalah laki-laki
2.Ooh Icha sekarang mungkin sudah masuk Islam....
3.Mungkin biar tidak menjadi sasaran sexual harassment para laki-laki tidak bertanggung jawab yang bilang ”My Mummy is yummy lah”, atau ”Paru-parunya sehat” lah...dll..
4.Mungkin pengen merubah image ancur nya
5.Mungkin karena jilbab lagi ngetrend sekarang
Pokoknya banyak lah assumsi-asumsi yang beredar di masyarakat lengkap dengan komentar : ”mudah-mudahan dia istiqamah”, ”semoga dia ngga cuma ikut-ikutan doang”, ”Nggak ngaruhlah kalo udah ancur mah ancur aja” dan segala macam komentar yang dari mulai simpatik (sopan) sampe yang melecehkan keseriusan tante Icha. Setiap hari tante Icha selalu ditanyain orang ” Kenapa loe pake jilbab?” dia minta saran sama ayah gimana jawabnya ” ayah bilang jawab aja ” Karena gue bisa”.. abis perkara kan... see how people is so nosy about other people’s business. Mereka mempertanyakan keputusan tante Icha, mereka menyangsikan keseriusan dia, mereka menyangsikan ketahanan tante Icha pake jilbab, sebagian malah mencibir... ”hiih munafik, kelakuan masih gitu aja sok sok an pake jilbab”... why suddenly do they so care so much about her ?? kenapa pula mereka mempertanyakan hal-hal itu ?? so what kalau tante Icha memang munafik ? so what kalau tante icha memang cuma ikutan trend ? so what kalau dia memang nggak serius ?? so what ? so what? Jauh-jauh hari ayah bilang sama tante Icha bahwa keputusan untuk pake jilbab harus datang dari hati yang paling dalam dan it shouldn’t come from external pressure. Nggak ada artinya pake jilbab hanya karena takut dibilang ancur, pengen dibilang shalihah, pengen dipuji orang, takut dicibir orang kalo pake rok mini dan baju kutung mulu. Pake jilbab sebaiknya adalah ”karena hati saya ingin berbakti kepada Allah SWT”. Resiko untuk memakai atau tidak memakai jilbab pasti ada... selalu ayah bilang kan ”in every choice there are consequences.” salah satu resiko adalah ya itu bagaimana orang menilai kita (other people judging us).. padahal kalo dipikir-pikir who are we to judge ?? apakah dengan memakai jilbab kita pasti masuk surga ? apakah dengan tidak pake jilbab kita pasti masuk neraka ?? siapa yang tahu kecuali Allah SWT. Ayah ingat hadits mengenai cerita pelacur yang memberi minum anjing dan kata Rasulullah pelacur itu adalah ahli surga... siapa yang tahu.. Who are we to judge ??? memang benar kita harus berusaha memperbesar kemungkinan dengan berusaha mengikuti aturan atau perintah Allah, tapi at the end of the day.. cuma Allah SWT yang tahu. Nah kalaupun tante Icha suatu saat memutuskan untuk tidak memakai jilbab lagi, ayah masih sangat menghargai keputusan dia, karena ayah tahu keputusan itu pasti mengikuti kata hatinya. Paling tidak ada masa dimana dia memperbesar kemungkinan masuk surga dengan memakai jilbab untuk berbakti kepada Allah SWT. But then again, who knows....0ne thing for sure, i think we don’t have the right to judge other people.. because we DON’T know (makanya jangan sok tahu….). Maka dari itu (makdartu… halah), ayah cuma kasih saran ke tante Icha…”biarkan siapapun menggonggong….loe harus tetap berlalu”. Stay firm with your decision, whatever it is…(Way to go, cha !! I admire your courage to follow your heart and go against all odds)
Udah dulu ya liv, kita lagi di bandung nih, mau pulang ke Jakarta… nanti kita ngobrol lagi ya…
Miss you very very much..
Ayah dicky
Paris Je t'aime
Hi sayangku libby,
Lagi apa liv ? sekarang tanggal 21 November 2007, mommy dan ayah baru sampe di Paris nih…kita tadi dari London jam 10.30 naik Eurostar. Hujan yang selama ini mengguyur London, sebelnya hari ini malah nggak datang dan cuaca sangat cerah. Wa willy nganterin kita ke St. Pancras station pake tube.. it was actually very convenient.. walaupun agak penuh karena pas jam orang berangkat kerja. Kita sampe di St.Pancras a bit early sehingga kita sempat duduk dulu di stasiun lokal di lt.2. Ayah pikir kita bisa duduk2 dulu,ngopi di cafe atau lihat-lihat toko stasiun, ternyata belum ada apa-apanya... St.Pancras memang baru sekitar 2 minggu diresmikan menjadi stasiun Eurostar sehingga belum banyak toko2 yang dibuka. Mommy sempet beli sandwich dan biskuit di Marks & Spencer’s tapi nggak ada tempat duduk !! makanya kita naik ke lt. dua which is sebenernya merupakan platform local train. St.Pancras station cukup besar dan kelihatan cukup tua juga. Setelah menunggu sekitar 1 jam akhirnya kita naik ke Eurostar. Karena pertimbangan budget dan benefit yang bakal didapat, kita settle dengan kelas 2 aja bukan first class. Beda harganya cukup banyak,.. lumayan kan... sementara kita pikir kelas dua juga kelihatannya sih cukup nyaman. Dan begitu kita naik ke cabin, memang cukup nyaman (walaupun kalau menurut ayah sih Argo Gede nggak kalah lah interiornya). Begitu jalan, barulah berasa bedanya Eurostar dengan Argo Gede karena di EuroStar nggak kerasa kereta jalan di atas bantalan... (gejek, gejek nya sama sekali nggak kerasa). Cuma agak kerasa ketika kita mulai masuk ke bawah tanah/terowongan, di mana kepala/ kuping agak kerasa pekak (karena mungkin kabinnya nggak pake pressurized cabin seperti di pesawat).
Perjalanan dari London ke Paris, melewati padang-padang rumput dan ladang-ladang pertanian sepanjang perjalanan. Nggak kerasa dalam dua jam kita sudah tiba di Gare du Nord di Paris. Celingukan nggak ngerti kita musti kemana karena ayah pikir kita musti ngelewatin custom dulu seperti halnya setiap saat kita memasuki wilayah suatu negara, tetapi ternyata nggak ada custom yang musti kita lewati. Mommy pengen pipis dulu, eh ternyata harus bayar liv... 1 euro untuk buang air kecil dan 2 euro untuk buang air besar... wadddooh... kayak di indonesia aja...mana mahal lagi.. masa sekali pipis musti bayar 13 ribu rupiah....ya udah ,gimana lagi. ntung ayah ada 1 Euro uang kembalian waktu beli karcis Euro Star di Jakarta. Abis itu, ayah tukerin Poundsterling ke Euro di tempat penukaran uang... sialnya Euro lagi naik, jadi rugi deh.. lalu ayah juga sempetin ngambil uang di ATM, karena takut kurang. Tadinya mau naik Metro aja menuju hotel, biar ngehemat. Tapi karena semuanya dalam bahasa perancis (beli tiket aja nggak bisa) daripada nyasar nggak karuan bawa-bawa koper akhirnya kita putuskan untuk naik taxi aja. Setelah antri sekitar 30 menit kita naik taxi dari stasiun ke hotel di Rue Montorgueil. Sebenernya kalau lihat di peta, nggak terlalu jauh dan tinggal lurus aja dari stasiun ke hotel tapi mungkin karena banyak jalan satu arah jadi kerasa kayak muter-muter (biar nggak suudzon sama supir taxinya kita mikir gitu aja deh...). It cost us sekitar 10 euro (okay lah..). Hotelnya ternyata sangat2 kecil.. jauh dari yang kita bayangkan, padahal hotel ini adalah bintang empat. Hotelnya cuma punya 20 kamar dan terletak di jalan yang penuh dengan sidewalk cafes ala Paris. Sebelum berangkat Mbak Anti yang tinggal di Perancis bilang bahwa area ini adalah area yang chic dan relatively cukup mahal. Kamarnya sempit.. walaupun sebenernya cukup cozy sih…untungnya kamar mandinya hampir sama gedenya dengan kamar tidur..he he he…ayah reserved hotel ini lewat internet dan dibilang lokasinya paling tengah kota, paling deket ke Musee d’ Louvre (tujuan utama ayah di Paris). It’s walking distance from the hotel to some of most interesting places in Paris (walaupun sebenernya ya jaraknya cukup jauh juga lah buat ukuran orang melayu kayak kita yang parkir aja pengennya selalu di depan pintu masuk.)
Setelah istirahat sebentar, kita nggak mau menyia-nyiakan waktu yang sangat singkat ini untuk jalan2 di Paris (selain karena lapar juga). Tujuan utama hari ini adalah shopping di Gallery Laffayatte. Kita memutuskan untuk jalan dari hotel, selain dekat juga sambil menikmati suasana kota Paris yang menurut ayah sangat cantik. Selain itu juga cari-cari restoran yang cocok dengan kita (enak dan halal… selain nggak terlalu mahal tentunya). Kita nggak mau kejadian di London dimana kita akhirnya wasting foods karena memesan babi nggak mau kejadian lagi. Setelah berjalan sekitar 200m kita memutuskan untuk berhenti di sebuah steak house. Cukup enak juga steaknya (nggak tahu memang enak atau karena lapar kali..) dan suasana Paris nya sangat terasa… romantis banget... padahal masih sore.. ha ha ha... oh ya, cuaca di Paris hari ini cerah sekali, walaupun menurut ayah lebih dingin dibandingkan dengan London, sepanjang jalan mommy dan ayah pelukan (karena dingin, dan berasa romantis aja di paris... he he he..). Setelah berjalan sekitar 30 menit akhirnya kita sampe di Gallery Laffayatte yang letaknya di belakang Gedung Opera Nasional yang sangat cantik. Gedungnya seperti gedung buatan Romawi (jangan2 memang buatan Romawi ya..) Kita sampai di sana sekitar jam 6 dan suasana nya sama seperti di London kayak udah malem banget. Karena sudah mendekati Christmas, daerah itu sudah dihiasi dengan lampu-lampu yang indah..... very nicely illuminated. Gallery Laffayette terbagi menjadi dua gedung utama yang dipisahkan oleh jalan. Yang satu untuk perempuan, yang satunya lagi untuk laki-laki. Kedua gedung disambungkan oleh jembatan penghubung. Barang-barang yang ada di G.Laffayette adalah first class branded items. Cuma ya itu harganya memang mahal-mahal ya… bukannya nggak sadar bahwa branded items itu memang mahal tetapi setelah dibandingkan barang-barang yang exactly the same dengan yang ada di Jakarta, harganya ternyata sekitar 20% lebih mahal…dan ternyata sebagian besar juga tokh ada sudah ada di Jakarta. Walhasil nggak beli apa apa deh… eh itu mah memang ayah pelit aja kali ya??? Kita pulang ke hotel karena tokonya mau tutup jam 20.30. Balik ke hotel jalan lagi lewat jalan yang lain karena mommy mau cari duty free shop (Paris Look) yang dia inget ada di sekitar G.Laffayette. Ternyata took itu memang ada di deket situ dan kita putuskan untuk datang ke situ lagi nanti untuk lihat-lihat. On the way to the hotel, kita pick up waffle yang dijual di pinggir jalan.. lumayan juga. Satu hal yang ayah perhatikan adalah sopan santun berlalu lintas di sini ternyata jauh lebih jelek dibandingkan dengan di London, di sini orang nyetir kayak di Jakarta, liv..mana klakson bunyi melulu.
Wah, liv, cape deh perjalanan hari ini dari mulai London sampe jalan-jalan (literally jalan di Paris). Besok tujuan utama kita adalah Musee d’ Louvre dan Eiffel Tower).I’m really excited !! See you tomorrow liv… ayah mau bobo dulu… cape banget nih, good night liv, sleep tight...
Cium sayang
Ayah dicky
Lagi apa liv ? sekarang tanggal 21 November 2007, mommy dan ayah baru sampe di Paris nih…kita tadi dari London jam 10.30 naik Eurostar. Hujan yang selama ini mengguyur London, sebelnya hari ini malah nggak datang dan cuaca sangat cerah. Wa willy nganterin kita ke St. Pancras station pake tube.. it was actually very convenient.. walaupun agak penuh karena pas jam orang berangkat kerja. Kita sampe di St.Pancras a bit early sehingga kita sempat duduk dulu di stasiun lokal di lt.2. Ayah pikir kita bisa duduk2 dulu,ngopi di cafe atau lihat-lihat toko stasiun, ternyata belum ada apa-apanya... St.Pancras memang baru sekitar 2 minggu diresmikan menjadi stasiun Eurostar sehingga belum banyak toko2 yang dibuka. Mommy sempet beli sandwich dan biskuit di Marks & Spencer’s tapi nggak ada tempat duduk !! makanya kita naik ke lt. dua which is sebenernya merupakan platform local train. St.Pancras station cukup besar dan kelihatan cukup tua juga. Setelah menunggu sekitar 1 jam akhirnya kita naik ke Eurostar. Karena pertimbangan budget dan benefit yang bakal didapat, kita settle dengan kelas 2 aja bukan first class. Beda harganya cukup banyak,.. lumayan kan... sementara kita pikir kelas dua juga kelihatannya sih cukup nyaman. Dan begitu kita naik ke cabin, memang cukup nyaman (walaupun kalau menurut ayah sih Argo Gede nggak kalah lah interiornya). Begitu jalan, barulah berasa bedanya Eurostar dengan Argo Gede karena di EuroStar nggak kerasa kereta jalan di atas bantalan... (gejek, gejek nya sama sekali nggak kerasa). Cuma agak kerasa ketika kita mulai masuk ke bawah tanah/terowongan, di mana kepala/ kuping agak kerasa pekak (karena mungkin kabinnya nggak pake pressurized cabin seperti di pesawat).
Perjalanan dari London ke Paris, melewati padang-padang rumput dan ladang-ladang pertanian sepanjang perjalanan. Nggak kerasa dalam dua jam kita sudah tiba di Gare du Nord di Paris. Celingukan nggak ngerti kita musti kemana karena ayah pikir kita musti ngelewatin custom dulu seperti halnya setiap saat kita memasuki wilayah suatu negara, tetapi ternyata nggak ada custom yang musti kita lewati. Mommy pengen pipis dulu, eh ternyata harus bayar liv... 1 euro untuk buang air kecil dan 2 euro untuk buang air besar... wadddooh... kayak di indonesia aja...mana mahal lagi.. masa sekali pipis musti bayar 13 ribu rupiah....ya udah ,gimana lagi. ntung ayah ada 1 Euro uang kembalian waktu beli karcis Euro Star di Jakarta. Abis itu, ayah tukerin Poundsterling ke Euro di tempat penukaran uang... sialnya Euro lagi naik, jadi rugi deh.. lalu ayah juga sempetin ngambil uang di ATM, karena takut kurang. Tadinya mau naik Metro aja menuju hotel, biar ngehemat. Tapi karena semuanya dalam bahasa perancis (beli tiket aja nggak bisa) daripada nyasar nggak karuan bawa-bawa koper akhirnya kita putuskan untuk naik taxi aja. Setelah antri sekitar 30 menit kita naik taxi dari stasiun ke hotel di Rue Montorgueil. Sebenernya kalau lihat di peta, nggak terlalu jauh dan tinggal lurus aja dari stasiun ke hotel tapi mungkin karena banyak jalan satu arah jadi kerasa kayak muter-muter (biar nggak suudzon sama supir taxinya kita mikir gitu aja deh...). It cost us sekitar 10 euro (okay lah..). Hotelnya ternyata sangat2 kecil.. jauh dari yang kita bayangkan, padahal hotel ini adalah bintang empat. Hotelnya cuma punya 20 kamar dan terletak di jalan yang penuh dengan sidewalk cafes ala Paris. Sebelum berangkat Mbak Anti yang tinggal di Perancis bilang bahwa area ini adalah area yang chic dan relatively cukup mahal. Kamarnya sempit.. walaupun sebenernya cukup cozy sih…untungnya kamar mandinya hampir sama gedenya dengan kamar tidur..he he he…ayah reserved hotel ini lewat internet dan dibilang lokasinya paling tengah kota, paling deket ke Musee d’ Louvre (tujuan utama ayah di Paris). It’s walking distance from the hotel to some of most interesting places in Paris (walaupun sebenernya ya jaraknya cukup jauh juga lah buat ukuran orang melayu kayak kita yang parkir aja pengennya selalu di depan pintu masuk.)
Setelah istirahat sebentar, kita nggak mau menyia-nyiakan waktu yang sangat singkat ini untuk jalan2 di Paris (selain karena lapar juga). Tujuan utama hari ini adalah shopping di Gallery Laffayatte. Kita memutuskan untuk jalan dari hotel, selain dekat juga sambil menikmati suasana kota Paris yang menurut ayah sangat cantik. Selain itu juga cari-cari restoran yang cocok dengan kita (enak dan halal… selain nggak terlalu mahal tentunya). Kita nggak mau kejadian di London dimana kita akhirnya wasting foods karena memesan babi nggak mau kejadian lagi. Setelah berjalan sekitar 200m kita memutuskan untuk berhenti di sebuah steak house. Cukup enak juga steaknya (nggak tahu memang enak atau karena lapar kali..) dan suasana Paris nya sangat terasa… romantis banget... padahal masih sore.. ha ha ha... oh ya, cuaca di Paris hari ini cerah sekali, walaupun menurut ayah lebih dingin dibandingkan dengan London, sepanjang jalan mommy dan ayah pelukan (karena dingin, dan berasa romantis aja di paris... he he he..). Setelah berjalan sekitar 30 menit akhirnya kita sampe di Gallery Laffayatte yang letaknya di belakang Gedung Opera Nasional yang sangat cantik. Gedungnya seperti gedung buatan Romawi (jangan2 memang buatan Romawi ya..) Kita sampai di sana sekitar jam 6 dan suasana nya sama seperti di London kayak udah malem banget. Karena sudah mendekati Christmas, daerah itu sudah dihiasi dengan lampu-lampu yang indah..... very nicely illuminated. Gallery Laffayette terbagi menjadi dua gedung utama yang dipisahkan oleh jalan. Yang satu untuk perempuan, yang satunya lagi untuk laki-laki. Kedua gedung disambungkan oleh jembatan penghubung. Barang-barang yang ada di G.Laffayette adalah first class branded items. Cuma ya itu harganya memang mahal-mahal ya… bukannya nggak sadar bahwa branded items itu memang mahal tetapi setelah dibandingkan barang-barang yang exactly the same dengan yang ada di Jakarta, harganya ternyata sekitar 20% lebih mahal…dan ternyata sebagian besar juga tokh ada sudah ada di Jakarta. Walhasil nggak beli apa apa deh… eh itu mah memang ayah pelit aja kali ya??? Kita pulang ke hotel karena tokonya mau tutup jam 20.30. Balik ke hotel jalan lagi lewat jalan yang lain karena mommy mau cari duty free shop (Paris Look) yang dia inget ada di sekitar G.Laffayette. Ternyata took itu memang ada di deket situ dan kita putuskan untuk datang ke situ lagi nanti untuk lihat-lihat. On the way to the hotel, kita pick up waffle yang dijual di pinggir jalan.. lumayan juga. Satu hal yang ayah perhatikan adalah sopan santun berlalu lintas di sini ternyata jauh lebih jelek dibandingkan dengan di London, di sini orang nyetir kayak di Jakarta, liv..mana klakson bunyi melulu.
Wah, liv, cape deh perjalanan hari ini dari mulai London sampe jalan-jalan (literally jalan di Paris). Besok tujuan utama kita adalah Musee d’ Louvre dan Eiffel Tower).I’m really excited !! See you tomorrow liv… ayah mau bobo dulu… cape banget nih, good night liv, sleep tight...
Cium sayang
Ayah dicky
Mommy is pregnant again !!
Hi my sweetheart…
How have you been liv ? Just wanna break the news to you that mommy is pregnant again (apparently our honeymoon in London and Paris was successful.. ha ha ha). So, you’re gonna have another siblings (let me know liv whether it’s gonna be a boy or a girl). To be honest, mommy is not really keen with the pregnancy since she felt that we already have enough daughters and she feel that she’s too old already. But it’s me who wanted one more. Before mommy and I got married, everytime we discussed about the future family that we’re gonna have, I always said that I wanted three children in my family. The reason being, I just felt that three children is still manageable financially and on the other hand it’s also going to be quite merry having three kids. Three kids will make the family “jadi rame”. “Rame” with the laughters, with the talking, etc. and not too mention that when we got old, we still have somebody left behind in the family to accompany us (I don’t want when I retired, all of my kids are having family already and leave two of us at home.. he he he..). It’s should’ve been perfect with you, Adelle, and Aliyya around but since you went home to heaven earlier, I want to keep my wish by having another kid to make three kids around the house. So it’s not because that I wanted a boy in the family as when a lot of people keep telling us to have another kid. To me having a boy or a girl would be the same (knowing my naughtiness during my childhood, I always worry to have a boy in my family… afraid that “karma” will haunt me and my boy will be as naughty as me when I was a boy and give me a lot of headaches… he he he…). If you’re still here with us, I could imagine my three daughters will grow to become three beautiful, smart, and kind girls. You will be leading and giving guidance to your little sisters as you’re guys growing up (you always did when you were still alive). Ah well, it won’t happen… but I’m sure that you will give guidance to your little sisters from heaven through their dreams as Adelle and Aliyya keep telling me about them having dreams about you.
Mommy’s current pregnancy seems a lot tougher than the previous ones. Now mommy is in 6th week and she always complain of having back ache and her morning sickness now does not happen in the morning only but all the time..... (aduuuh ripuh banget deh liv hamil yg ini…). Mommy always asked me to massage her back… (dan ayah nggak boleh cape… he he he…).To be honest, I feel sorry for her since I was the one who wanted this pregnancy and she seems very tough having it now. Btw, she always wanted to eat sushi and sashimi but I told her that sushi is not good for the pregnant woman (for the fetus, since raw fish can contain a lot of mercury and bacteria). And she also wanted duren !! We haven’t been to an obgyn (we are still looking for a good one in Jakarta, most probably we are looking for a doctor who practice in RSPI, and preferably a woman obgyn although oddly enough, apparently not too many woman’s obgyn around… I wonder why…)
Ngantuk nih, liv… doain mommy ya supaya kehamilan nya lancar, sehat terus, nanti adik kamu lahir dengan selamat, panjang umur, bisa tumbuh cantik/ cakep, pinter, baik kayak kamu…jadi anak yang shaleh/ shalehah..
Miss you very much....
Ayah dicky
How have you been liv ? Just wanna break the news to you that mommy is pregnant again (apparently our honeymoon in London and Paris was successful.. ha ha ha). So, you’re gonna have another siblings (let me know liv whether it’s gonna be a boy or a girl). To be honest, mommy is not really keen with the pregnancy since she felt that we already have enough daughters and she feel that she’s too old already. But it’s me who wanted one more. Before mommy and I got married, everytime we discussed about the future family that we’re gonna have, I always said that I wanted three children in my family. The reason being, I just felt that three children is still manageable financially and on the other hand it’s also going to be quite merry having three kids. Three kids will make the family “jadi rame”. “Rame” with the laughters, with the talking, etc. and not too mention that when we got old, we still have somebody left behind in the family to accompany us (I don’t want when I retired, all of my kids are having family already and leave two of us at home.. he he he..). It’s should’ve been perfect with you, Adelle, and Aliyya around but since you went home to heaven earlier, I want to keep my wish by having another kid to make three kids around the house. So it’s not because that I wanted a boy in the family as when a lot of people keep telling us to have another kid. To me having a boy or a girl would be the same (knowing my naughtiness during my childhood, I always worry to have a boy in my family… afraid that “karma” will haunt me and my boy will be as naughty as me when I was a boy and give me a lot of headaches… he he he…). If you’re still here with us, I could imagine my three daughters will grow to become three beautiful, smart, and kind girls. You will be leading and giving guidance to your little sisters as you’re guys growing up (you always did when you were still alive). Ah well, it won’t happen… but I’m sure that you will give guidance to your little sisters from heaven through their dreams as Adelle and Aliyya keep telling me about them having dreams about you.
Mommy’s current pregnancy seems a lot tougher than the previous ones. Now mommy is in 6th week and she always complain of having back ache and her morning sickness now does not happen in the morning only but all the time..... (aduuuh ripuh banget deh liv hamil yg ini…). Mommy always asked me to massage her back… (dan ayah nggak boleh cape… he he he…).To be honest, I feel sorry for her since I was the one who wanted this pregnancy and she seems very tough having it now. Btw, she always wanted to eat sushi and sashimi but I told her that sushi is not good for the pregnant woman (for the fetus, since raw fish can contain a lot of mercury and bacteria). And she also wanted duren !! We haven’t been to an obgyn (we are still looking for a good one in Jakarta, most probably we are looking for a doctor who practice in RSPI, and preferably a woman obgyn although oddly enough, apparently not too many woman’s obgyn around… I wonder why…)
Ngantuk nih, liv… doain mommy ya supaya kehamilan nya lancar, sehat terus, nanti adik kamu lahir dengan selamat, panjang umur, bisa tumbuh cantik/ cakep, pinter, baik kayak kamu…jadi anak yang shaleh/ shalehah..
Miss you very much....
Ayah dicky
London is a very expensive city
Hi hunny,
How are you doin, Liv ? I wanna continue my story of our trip to London. On the third day we were in London, we were planning to use tube the whole day to go to anywhere inLondon. We were planning of going to some places that we missed yesterday. Our London’s Big Bus tour ticket is still valid till today, so we still can use the bus to go around the city. Wa ibu was going with us. Early in the morning we have planned where to go first, then next, then next, because we wanted to maximize our time in London. We bought day pass tube ticket so we can go on and off the tube whenever we want and wherever we want.. Our first destination was Maddame Tussaud. We already bought the ticket for 17 Pounds each yesterday when we bought the Big Bus ticket. We got off in the Baker Street station and just walked from the station to M.Tussaud which is located only about 25 meters from that station. Wa ibu bought the ticket for the most popular touris attraction in London (so that the ticket sellers said yesterday) in the ticket counter for 30 pounds (almost Rp 600 thousand !!). Good thing we have bought the tickets in Big Bus with discounted price. We have heard that anything in London is very expensive but I don’t have any clue, that it’s not only expensive,… it’s VERY expensive… We were in Maddame Tussaud for about one hour and half. Then we went to the biggest toy store in London, Hemley’s which is located in Regent Street. We didn’t buy anything there for three reasons, 1) again, it’s very expensive prices, 2) almost anything there we can easily find in Jakarta or
Singapore at worse, 3) we still have to go to Paris and we didn’t want to carry too many things on the way there, especially knowing that we are taking train tomorrow. Wa ibu went home straight from the toy store since she has to pick up Laras and fadhlan from the school in the afternoon. Mommy and daddy continued our journey on another worse rainy and cold London weather. We went back to Oxford street station to go to Harrods (the most famous Shopping center owned by Dodi Al Fayed). Again, everything there was very very expensive. Almost all the brands are available in Indonesia, although the collection was more complete. We only bought some toys for Adelle and Aliyya. The Christmas spirit has started to be felt there in Harrods. A lot of people seems doing Christmas shopping already. Anyway, at least we got off the stores with some big shopping bags from Harrods in our hands. Feel like rich people… ha ha ha…We then took tube to go to Piccadilly Circus station. Mommy wanted to have lunch and I remember there are some restaurant near Leicester square, at least there is KFC (which we had dinner on the first night). Innitially, we were going to have steak for lunch, but after considering 50 Pounds steak per person, we felt that it’s just not worth it to have it (beside mommy wanted rice already… dasar orang melayu ya nggak berasa makan kalo nggak ada nasi). So, we ended up having lunch in Chinese restaurant nearby. Mommy ordered peking duck, while I ordered prime ribs. Turn out the portion is so huge that we couldn’t eat it all… and the prime rib that I ordered apparently was pork !! It was the second time we ordered pork and ended up wasting it !! We took the left over home. After having the lunch we continued browsing along Regent Street up to Oxford street. Stop in some of the stores along the way but again the prices stopped us from buying anything. We went all the way down the Oxford street toward Marks Spencer’s biggest store in the world (so they say…) we stopped by in Disney’s Store… It’s a paradise for little kids.. you would have loved it, liv !! All the princesses costumes were there…. I really like a costume of a new movie called “Enchanted”.. but it costs 125 pounds (2,5 million rupiah for a costumes ??? hhmmm, I don’t think so). Despite our drool on the stuffs there but because it’s outrageous price, we only bought some High School Musical stuffs. They are still expensive… but we figured Adelle and Aliyya would love them (your sisters really love High School Musical and all merchandise about it). We went home at 18.30, after too much of walking and not enough of shopping… hik hik hik…..London is very expensive city, Liv (payah ya kalau jadi turis kere kayak mommy & ayah… he he he…)…. But I like it anyway.. Wish you were here with us liv, visiting your bestest buddy, laras… tomorrow we are gonna go to Paris...
Lots of loves ayah dicky
How are you doin, Liv ? I wanna continue my story of our trip to London. On the third day we were in London, we were planning to use tube the whole day to go to anywhere inLondon. We were planning of going to some places that we missed yesterday. Our London’s Big Bus tour ticket is still valid till today, so we still can use the bus to go around the city. Wa ibu was going with us. Early in the morning we have planned where to go first, then next, then next, because we wanted to maximize our time in London. We bought day pass tube ticket so we can go on and off the tube whenever we want and wherever we want.. Our first destination was Maddame Tussaud. We already bought the ticket for 17 Pounds each yesterday when we bought the Big Bus ticket. We got off in the Baker Street station and just walked from the station to M.Tussaud which is located only about 25 meters from that station. Wa ibu bought the ticket for the most popular touris attraction in London (so that the ticket sellers said yesterday) in the ticket counter for 30 pounds (almost Rp 600 thousand !!). Good thing we have bought the tickets in Big Bus with discounted price. We have heard that anything in London is very expensive but I don’t have any clue, that it’s not only expensive,… it’s VERY expensive… We were in Maddame Tussaud for about one hour and half. Then we went to the biggest toy store in London, Hemley’s which is located in Regent Street. We didn’t buy anything there for three reasons, 1) again, it’s very expensive prices, 2) almost anything there we can easily find in Jakarta or
Lots of loves ayah dicky
11th Anniversary
Hi Libby,
What’s up sweetie pie ? I wanna interrupt my story about my trip to London with something very important. Today is mommy’s & daddy’s 11th wedding anniversary. Yup next January will be my 11th januaries I spent with mommy as my wife. I just want to use this occasion to reflect and tell you how lucky I’am, having your mom as my wife as the mother of all my children. She’s really an amazing woman. I couldn’t have enough words to tell stories about her greatness… she’s simply the best for me….
Let me start with the story of how we met and how we became a true partner in crime till now…forever…. and ever…Mommy and I met the first time in Unpad’s volleyball’s court ?? in front of Aula Unpad in Dipati Ukur. It was 16 years ago during UNPAD's OPSPEK. Mommy was running because she was late, she was wearing white blouse and white skirts, two ponny tails, with couple of ribbons in her hair. She was pretty but to be honest, I wasn’t really attracted to her, knowing that in my eyes (at that time) all pretty girls are materialistic (Semua cewek cantik = MATRE !! ha ha ha), beside she wasn’t really my type either.. she was a bit bitchy (judes ! syape loe ???… that’s what I thought at that time, ha ha ha)…. But I was happy that I found out that she was in the same major as me (international relations).. so at least we have pretty girls in our classroom…
Later we became good friends, mommy was Tante Emeh’s friend in high school and Tante Emeh was Oom Thanon’s friend while Oom Thanon was my friend in high school.. so to cut the story short, we became best friends (among 8 other friends : Oom Thanon, Tante Emeh, Tante Olla, Oom Dikky Panjul, Oom Andit, Tante Mega, Oom Bombom, Oom Ogie and plus Oom Deddy Morded). We were notorious group of hedonistic beautiful people (ha ha ha) in the campus. Well, Mommy, Tante Olla, Tante Emeh, and Tante Mega were the kembangs of the kampus…the pretty ones (of course there were some other girls who were also pretty but they were among the popular ones). And during our first year of college, we always played around, hang around in Gelael (eat in KFC) , we went dugem in SE, watched movies together, had dinner together, went to subang, went to Puncak, went to Pangandaran, went to lembang, etc… it was all played, played and played… ha ha ha…as if we have nothing to worry… the group was known as The Cerdas Jaya group… a lot of people in the campus looked cynically to us… because as if all that we cared about was playing and having fun… well they were’nt totally wrong either… ha ha ha… all that we care about was really having fun… but yet we still get good grades… of course except oom panjul and Oom Bombom (sorry nya Nyul & Bom…) our GPA were still above 3 in our first year of college, in fact I was having one of the highest GPA in the class. Almost all of the girls on the group at that time were having relationship (including mommy… darn !!) but all of them were in the process of breaking up (bener nggak sih ??? ha ha ha… jangan2 gue ngarang).
Along the way…, on March 15, 1992, I declared my love to mommy in mommy’s house in Jl.Ciremay… (ha ha ha…nyalip di tikungan). But we kept it secret to other group members… until we finally announced it to everybody.. but you know when some people in the group are having relationship then of course it will affect the others. Cerdas Jaya was sort of falling apart… there were distances in some of the members for a while, until everything went back to normal again toward end of our college years.
Mommy and daddy were inseperable at that time… you could almost see us together wherever we went. We were like siamesse twins… ha ha ha…We watched movies almost every Tuesday because that’s when new movies coming out at that time in Studio 21. we didn’t go to clubs or disco that much…. Because both of us don’t drink alcohol and we were lousy in dancing… but very often I treated mommy to Glosis or Tizi’s which are the top restaurants in Bandung at that time…. Or just went to Cisangkuy for a glass of yoghurt… most importantly, we were always together…We spent the college years together… literally everyday..
Did we fight ? of course.. being a jealous and insecure guy (knowing that I’m not that handsome, not that macho, not that rich, not that smart, etc) I always have a strong jealousy toward any guy who tried to approach mommy (mommy had so many fans at that time… huuuhh!!), so most of the fight was started because of my jealousy. I remember one time mommy got so mad that she broke glass of her house’s front door with her fist (now that foolish act of course cause her to bleed etc)… now you see how she could get really angry… hiii syerem. but we always settled the fight in less than three days…we could barely far away from each other. In the process, I turned mommy into a typical girl that I like….the way she dress, the way she talk, the way she behave… (nggak bener ya ?? he he he…). She transformed herself into a gracious &; elegant girl … or I should say I turned her into a lady (ha ha ha….) Despite of our fights but our relationship was mostly filled with loves and laughs…not so much of tears…
Then, after having steady relationship for about 4 years, after I graduated from the college and got good job in Astra Internasional, Uti asked me, how serious I was with mommy and asking what to wait till we get married. Otherwise she would give mommy to other guy… ha ha ha… So I answered that I was really serious and planning to make her accompany me for the rest of my life. So we planned for the engagement time (or in this case, more of a lamaran) on August, 1996. We set the date for the marriage on Saturday night, December 7, 1996. So after short preparation, since both mommy and I were working at that time in Jakarta, we got married in Secapa Bandung (at that time, that’s the biggest hall that we could use for 1200 invitees). Mommy was really really pretty on the wedding day…she was wearing green kebaya and I was wearing green beskap, the color theme was green (come to think of it, I couldn’t recall why we choosed green as our color theme…). Mommy was having her period on that day !! (darn !!). As I have told you, we didn’t have honeymoon since I have to start working in Unilever as management trainee the following week.
Now of course I wouldn’t be able to tell you day to day stories of our marriage. But what I can tell you is that I don’t feel any less love toward her (if only not increasing)…. I love her as much as when she was my girlfriend (again if not more). We still fights (now mostly about money… ha ha ha)… but we still fill our marriage with loves (lots and lots of loves) and laughs…we take and give, we compromise… if one of us got mad, one of us will be quiet so there were hardly big fights in 11 years of our marriage.Within 11 years of our marriage, of course so many things have happened,…. happiness as well as sadness (the worst sadness of course was when you left us)… but we learn to use the principle of “Berusaha, Berdoa, Bersyukur, dan Bersabar” . We try and work hard for everything we do, we pray to God to bless us with the best result, we are thankfull if God give us what we think good for us, and we are patience when God give us something which we feel bad for us. Mommy has been really the best partner for me sailing through the current and waves of life.She’s always there through the best and the worst time of my life.She has given me three beautiful daughters… I wouldn’t be able to live without her….she’s my half….she’s simply THE BEST !! ((I love you very much shaney….thank you for always being there for me, thanks for being patience with my childishness, my ignorance,….please accompany me till the end of my life).
Sebelas Januari Bertemu
Menjalani Kisah Cinta Ini
Naluri Berkata Engkaulah Milikku
Bahagia Selalu Dimiliki
Bertahun Menjalani Bersamamu
Kunyatakan bahwa Engkaulah jiwaku
Akulah Penjagamu
Akulah Pelindungmu
Akulah Pendampingmu
Di setiap langkah-langkahmu
Pernahku Menyakiti Hatimu
Pernah kau melupakan janji ini
Semua Karena kita ini manusia
Akulah Penjagamu
Akulah Pelindungmu
Akulah Pendampingmu
Di setiap langkah-langkahmu
Chorus:Kau bawa dirikuKedalam hidupmu
Kau basuh dirikuDengan rasa sayang
Senyummu juga sedihmu adalah Hidupku
Kau sentuh cintaku dengan lembut
Dengan sejuta warna
Let me know liv if you want to ask something from me.. Gotta go now…good night Libby.
Love you always
Ayah dicky
What’s up sweetie pie ? I wanna interrupt my story about my trip to London with something very important. Today is mommy’s & daddy’s 11th wedding anniversary. Yup next January will be my 11th januaries I spent with mommy as my wife. I just want to use this occasion to reflect and tell you how lucky I’am, having your mom as my wife as the mother of all my children. She’s really an amazing woman. I couldn’t have enough words to tell stories about her greatness… she’s simply the best for me….
Let me start with the story of how we met and how we became a true partner in crime till now…forever…. and ever…Mommy and I met the first time in Unpad’s volleyball’s court ?? in front of Aula Unpad in Dipati Ukur. It was 16 years ago during UNPAD's OPSPEK. Mommy was running because she was late, she was wearing white blouse and white skirts, two ponny tails, with couple of ribbons in her hair. She was pretty but to be honest, I wasn’t really attracted to her, knowing that in my eyes (at that time) all pretty girls are materialistic (Semua cewek cantik = MATRE !! ha ha ha), beside she wasn’t really my type either.. she was a bit bitchy (judes ! syape loe ???… that’s what I thought at that time, ha ha ha)…. But I was happy that I found out that she was in the same major as me (international relations).. so at least we have pretty girls in our classroom…
Later we became good friends, mommy was Tante Emeh’s friend in high school and Tante Emeh was Oom Thanon’s friend while Oom Thanon was my friend in high school.. so to cut the story short, we became best friends (among 8 other friends : Oom Thanon, Tante Emeh, Tante Olla, Oom Dikky Panjul, Oom Andit, Tante Mega, Oom Bombom, Oom Ogie and plus Oom Deddy Morded). We were notorious group of hedonistic beautiful people (ha ha ha) in the campus. Well, Mommy, Tante Olla, Tante Emeh, and Tante Mega were the kembangs of the kampus…the pretty ones (of course there were some other girls who were also pretty but they were among the popular ones). And during our first year of college, we always played around, hang around in Gelael (eat in KFC) , we went dugem in SE, watched movies together, had dinner together, went to subang, went to Puncak, went to Pangandaran, went to lembang, etc… it was all played, played and played… ha ha ha…as if we have nothing to worry… the group was known as The Cerdas Jaya group… a lot of people in the campus looked cynically to us… because as if all that we cared about was playing and having fun… well they were’nt totally wrong either… ha ha ha… all that we care about was really having fun… but yet we still get good grades… of course except oom panjul and Oom Bombom (sorry nya Nyul & Bom…) our GPA were still above 3 in our first year of college, in fact I was having one of the highest GPA in the class. Almost all of the girls on the group at that time were having relationship (including mommy… darn !!) but all of them were in the process of breaking up (bener nggak sih ??? ha ha ha… jangan2 gue ngarang).
Along the way…, on March 15, 1992, I declared my love to mommy in mommy’s house in Jl.Ciremay… (ha ha ha…nyalip di tikungan). But we kept it secret to other group members… until we finally announced it to everybody.. but you know when some people in the group are having relationship then of course it will affect the others. Cerdas Jaya was sort of falling apart… there were distances in some of the members for a while, until everything went back to normal again toward end of our college years.
Mommy and daddy were inseperable at that time… you could almost see us together wherever we went. We were like siamesse twins… ha ha ha…We watched movies almost every Tuesday because that’s when new movies coming out at that time in Studio 21. we didn’t go to clubs or disco that much…. Because both of us don’t drink alcohol and we were lousy in dancing… but very often I treated mommy to Glosis or Tizi’s which are the top restaurants in Bandung at that time…. Or just went to Cisangkuy for a glass of yoghurt… most importantly, we were always together…We spent the college years together… literally everyday..
Did we fight ? of course.. being a jealous and insecure guy (knowing that I’m not that handsome, not that macho, not that rich, not that smart, etc) I always have a strong jealousy toward any guy who tried to approach mommy (mommy had so many fans at that time… huuuhh!!), so most of the fight was started because of my jealousy. I remember one time mommy got so mad that she broke glass of her house’s front door with her fist (now that foolish act of course cause her to bleed etc)… now you see how she could get really angry… hiii syerem. but we always settled the fight in less than three days…we could barely far away from each other. In the process, I turned mommy into a typical girl that I like….the way she dress, the way she talk, the way she behave… (nggak bener ya ?? he he he…). She transformed herself into a gracious &; elegant girl … or I should say I turned her into a lady (ha ha ha….) Despite of our fights but our relationship was mostly filled with loves and laughs…not so much of tears…
Then, after having steady relationship for about 4 years, after I graduated from the college and got good job in Astra Internasional, Uti asked me, how serious I was with mommy and asking what to wait till we get married. Otherwise she would give mommy to other guy… ha ha ha… So I answered that I was really serious and planning to make her accompany me for the rest of my life. So we planned for the engagement time (or in this case, more of a lamaran) on August, 1996. We set the date for the marriage on Saturday night, December 7, 1996. So after short preparation, since both mommy and I were working at that time in Jakarta, we got married in Secapa Bandung (at that time, that’s the biggest hall that we could use for 1200 invitees). Mommy was really really pretty on the wedding day…she was wearing green kebaya and I was wearing green beskap, the color theme was green (come to think of it, I couldn’t recall why we choosed green as our color theme…). Mommy was having her period on that day !! (darn !!). As I have told you, we didn’t have honeymoon since I have to start working in Unilever as management trainee the following week.
Now of course I wouldn’t be able to tell you day to day stories of our marriage. But what I can tell you is that I don’t feel any less love toward her (if only not increasing)…. I love her as much as when she was my girlfriend (again if not more). We still fights (now mostly about money… ha ha ha)… but we still fill our marriage with loves (lots and lots of loves) and laughs…we take and give, we compromise… if one of us got mad, one of us will be quiet so there were hardly big fights in 11 years of our marriage.Within 11 years of our marriage, of course so many things have happened,…. happiness as well as sadness (the worst sadness of course was when you left us)… but we learn to use the principle of “Berusaha, Berdoa, Bersyukur, dan Bersabar” . We try and work hard for everything we do, we pray to God to bless us with the best result, we are thankfull if God give us what we think good for us, and we are patience when God give us something which we feel bad for us. Mommy has been really the best partner for me sailing through the current and waves of life.She’s always there through the best and the worst time of my life.She has given me three beautiful daughters… I wouldn’t be able to live without her….she’s my half….she’s simply THE BEST !! ((I love you very much shaney….thank you for always being there for me, thanks for being patience with my childishness, my ignorance,….please accompany me till the end of my life).
Sebelas Januari Bertemu
Menjalani Kisah Cinta Ini
Naluri Berkata Engkaulah Milikku
Bahagia Selalu Dimiliki
Bertahun Menjalani Bersamamu
Kunyatakan bahwa Engkaulah jiwaku
Akulah Penjagamu
Akulah Pelindungmu
Akulah Pendampingmu
Di setiap langkah-langkahmu
Pernahku Menyakiti Hatimu
Pernah kau melupakan janji ini
Semua Karena kita ini manusia
Akulah Penjagamu
Akulah Pelindungmu
Akulah Pendampingmu
Di setiap langkah-langkahmu
Chorus:Kau bawa dirikuKedalam hidupmu
Kau basuh dirikuDengan rasa sayang
Senyummu juga sedihmu adalah Hidupku
Kau sentuh cintaku dengan lembut
Dengan sejuta warna
Let me know liv if you want to ask something from me.. Gotta go now…good night Libby.
Love you always
Ayah dicky
Sunshine in Trafalgar Square
Dearest Libby
How are you today ?? this is the second day we are in London, I finally had a good night sleep !! may be I was really really tired and by the time we arrived at wa willy’s home last night at 20.30, it was already 2.30am in Jakarta. Today, we are planning to take a tour within London to see some point of interests. We were at home when a telephone guy from BT came and we have to wait for wa ibu coming back from dropping off teh laras and fadhlan to the school. Then, we walked from wa willy’s house to southfield underground station. It was still cold and raining… but it wasn’t as cold as last night. The wind was not that bad..and it’s nice talking to mommy while we were walking for about 10 minutes pass along nice victorian houses. Wa willy’s house situated in a new housing and apartment complex but to get to the station we have to go passing by some old houses… but it’s still nice neighborhood. One thing I noticed, the street is usually narrow, 2 lane street with cars being park on both side of the street, leaving only small area for cars to pass by… and british apparently drives their cars quite fast…with these narrow streets, no wonder tube become so popular, otherwise there will be traffic jam everywhere. As I didn’t buy the ticket by myself yesterday, I had to ask the officer to teach me buying the ticket for the tube from the machine. One day pass for zone 1-4 cost us about 5+ pounds per person, so it is really expensive, but in comparison if we have to take taxi wherever we go, it is way way cheaper ….. we had studied the stop , the connecting lines, etc, to ensure that we didn’t loose time getting lost in London. But, it’s very easy to follow the information and getting anywhere, if we got lost we just get off the train and change to other line… it’s that simple…very nice !!! We decided to stop in Picadilly Circus station then there we would buy “Big Bus” city tour ticket. When we got to Picadilly street we looked for bus stop and it’s easy to find. Apparently the bus stop is also the stop for Big Bus City Tour and we could buy the ticket from the officer there. The ticket price of Big Bus City Tour is 22 pound per person (about Rp 400 thousand) and since it was winter they have special offer that the ticket is valid for 48 hours (from usually 24 hours) and we could buy ticket to some of London’s attraction with special price. We decided to buy the Maddame Tussaud’s ticket there as well so we could get discount and we don’t have to queue there. Maddame Tussaud cost us 17 pound per person (in the ticket box it’s 30 pounds) a very significant discount. With this bus we can go to almost all London’s places of interest. We can sit on top of the bus which is open air.. if it’s not raining actually it’s really nice to sit on top of the bus. We decided to take the red route in which we will start the tour from Picadilly street to Trafalgar Square, one of the most famous place of London. We stopped there for a while to…. Take some pictures !!! ha ha ha…. The sun is finally shinning… really shining for about an hour… before it’s raining again… darn !! We also went to National Gallery which is located across Trafalgar Square. I was really excited to go inside since National Gallery has a wide collections of paintings from great painters. My favourite one is of course Van Gogh’s !! there are a lot of Van Gogh’s painting there… I really love ‘em… beside Van Gogh’s, the National Gallery also have collections of Monet, Manet, Cezzane, etc. oh, I could spend full day just to browse around this museum but since we only have limited time in London, we only spend like couple of hours here…before we went to Museum’s shop and picked up 2 posters of Van Gogh’s painting, ready for framing. Then we hopped on the bus again to the next stop which is the Westminster ! here is the Big Ben, The Parliament, and Westminster Abbey church located. On the way there we passed by the Downing Street which is the official residence of England’s Prime Minister. If the time’s right actually we can see the guard’s changing near there. After taking some pictures in Westminster, we continued the journey to London Eye, a gigantic ferish wheel (they said it’s the biggest one in the world) but we decided not to get inside since the weather was not that good anyway, (what will we see ??) so we just passed by and continued the journey to St. Patrick’s Cathedral in which Princes Charles and Lady Diana got married. It was a beautiful cathedral… we had lunch there in Fresh Italy, this part of area seems like a business area since lots of people wearing suits and tie. Fresh Italy is quite nice.. I ordered lasagna and Chilli Shrimp salad, while mommy ordered carbonara which is apparently have lots of pork bacon in it… so she didn’t touch it and just ate my food…again it’s not cheap to have lunch here. We kinda get used to expensive price by now for everything…. He he he… we continued the journey passing the famous London bridge, then we stopped in Tower of London and Tower Bridge. Again looking at the timing we didn’t go inside the Tower of London where they place the crown of the king’s and queen’s. From here, we took a boat cruising along the Thames river.. passing by UNILEVER’s Global Head Office in Black Friar. The guide said “ On the right, there’s a big white building, the home of giant detergent and soap manufacturer Unilever” (giant detergent and soap manufacturer ??? this guide needs more training… he he he…). The HO looks stunning especially with lights start to illuminate the building…suddenly I was proud being an Unileverian. The day has been quite dark although the time just showed 16.00.. the London eye and Big Ben’s looks incredible in lights. The boat stopped at the Westminster pier where we walked passing by Westminster Abbey Church (I think Prince Andrew got married here). We were waiting for the Big bus to take us back to the Picadilly circus station. Oh no…. apparently, the big bus operation stopped at 16.30 so we decided to take regular bus to go back to picadilly street. Thank God, there is the last bus coming so we just hopped in… rejeki mah nggak kemana.. the Officer asked us the destination and when we said we are going to picadilly… he said we were on the wrong bus and suggested to get off in victoria and take the bus to green park which is the last stop for that bus. We just followed his suggestion. But what I found amazing is that the bus officer was very helpful, asking all the passenger and suggesting the best route to take them to their destination. Yeah because it’s already late (19.00). we stopped at the Green Park bus station and went straight to the tube station to go back to Putney. Oooh.. what a day !!!! full of walking, full of pictures taking… not enough shopping… everything’s soooo expensive !!
We’ll catch up again later okay liv…
still miss you a lot..
ayah dicky
How are you today ?? this is the second day we are in London, I finally had a good night sleep !! may be I was really really tired and by the time we arrived at wa willy’s home last night at 20.30, it was already 2.30am in Jakarta. Today, we are planning to take a tour within London to see some point of interests. We were at home when a telephone guy from BT came and we have to wait for wa ibu coming back from dropping off teh laras and fadhlan to the school. Then, we walked from wa willy’s house to southfield underground station. It was still cold and raining… but it wasn’t as cold as last night. The wind was not that bad..and it’s nice talking to mommy while we were walking for about 10 minutes pass along nice victorian houses. Wa willy’s house situated in a new housing and apartment complex but to get to the station we have to go passing by some old houses… but it’s still nice neighborhood. One thing I noticed, the street is usually narrow, 2 lane street with cars being park on both side of the street, leaving only small area for cars to pass by… and british apparently drives their cars quite fast…with these narrow streets, no wonder tube become so popular, otherwise there will be traffic jam everywhere. As I didn’t buy the ticket by myself yesterday, I had to ask the officer to teach me buying the ticket for the tube from the machine. One day pass for zone 1-4 cost us about 5+ pounds per person, so it is really expensive, but in comparison if we have to take taxi wherever we go, it is way way cheaper ….. we had studied the stop , the connecting lines, etc, to ensure that we didn’t loose time getting lost in London. But, it’s very easy to follow the information and getting anywhere, if we got lost we just get off the train and change to other line… it’s that simple…very nice !!! We decided to stop in Picadilly Circus station then there we would buy “Big Bus” city tour ticket. When we got to Picadilly street we looked for bus stop and it’s easy to find. Apparently the bus stop is also the stop for Big Bus City Tour and we could buy the ticket from the officer there. The ticket price of Big Bus City Tour is 22 pound per person (about Rp 400 thousand) and since it was winter they have special offer that the ticket is valid for 48 hours (from usually 24 hours) and we could buy ticket to some of London’s attraction with special price. We decided to buy the Maddame Tussaud’s ticket there as well so we could get discount and we don’t have to queue there. Maddame Tussaud cost us 17 pound per person (in the ticket box it’s 30 pounds) a very significant discount. With this bus we can go to almost all London’s places of interest. We can sit on top of the bus which is open air.. if it’s not raining actually it’s really nice to sit on top of the bus. We decided to take the red route in which we will start the tour from Picadilly street to Trafalgar Square, one of the most famous place of London. We stopped there for a while to…. Take some pictures !!! ha ha ha…. The sun is finally shinning… really shining for about an hour… before it’s raining again… darn !! We also went to National Gallery which is located across Trafalgar Square. I was really excited to go inside since National Gallery has a wide collections of paintings from great painters. My favourite one is of course Van Gogh’s !! there are a lot of Van Gogh’s painting there… I really love ‘em… beside Van Gogh’s, the National Gallery also have collections of Monet, Manet, Cezzane, etc. oh, I could spend full day just to browse around this museum but since we only have limited time in London, we only spend like couple of hours here…before we went to Museum’s shop and picked up 2 posters of Van Gogh’s painting, ready for framing. Then we hopped on the bus again to the next stop which is the Westminster ! here is the Big Ben, The Parliament, and Westminster Abbey church located. On the way there we passed by the Downing Street which is the official residence of England’s Prime Minister. If the time’s right actually we can see the guard’s changing near there. After taking some pictures in Westminster, we continued the journey to London Eye, a gigantic ferish wheel (they said it’s the biggest one in the world) but we decided not to get inside since the weather was not that good anyway, (what will we see ??) so we just passed by and continued the journey to St. Patrick’s Cathedral in which Princes Charles and Lady Diana got married. It was a beautiful cathedral… we had lunch there in Fresh Italy, this part of area seems like a business area since lots of people wearing suits and tie. Fresh Italy is quite nice.. I ordered lasagna and Chilli Shrimp salad, while mommy ordered carbonara which is apparently have lots of pork bacon in it… so she didn’t touch it and just ate my food…again it’s not cheap to have lunch here. We kinda get used to expensive price by now for everything…. He he he… we continued the journey passing the famous London bridge, then we stopped in Tower of London and Tower Bridge. Again looking at the timing we didn’t go inside the Tower of London where they place the crown of the king’s and queen’s. From here, we took a boat cruising along the Thames river.. passing by UNILEVER’s Global Head Office in Black Friar. The guide said “ On the right, there’s a big white building, the home of giant detergent and soap manufacturer Unilever” (giant detergent and soap manufacturer ??? this guide needs more training… he he he…). The HO looks stunning especially with lights start to illuminate the building…suddenly I was proud being an Unileverian. The day has been quite dark although the time just showed 16.00.. the London eye and Big Ben’s looks incredible in lights. The boat stopped at the Westminster pier where we walked passing by Westminster Abbey Church (I think Prince Andrew got married here). We were waiting for the Big bus to take us back to the Picadilly circus station. Oh no…. apparently, the big bus operation stopped at 16.30 so we decided to take regular bus to go back to picadilly street. Thank God, there is the last bus coming so we just hopped in… rejeki mah nggak kemana.. the Officer asked us the destination and when we said we are going to picadilly… he said we were on the wrong bus and suggested to get off in victoria and take the bus to green park which is the last stop for that bus. We just followed his suggestion. But what I found amazing is that the bus officer was very helpful, asking all the passenger and suggesting the best route to take them to their destination. Yeah because it’s already late (19.00). we stopped at the Green Park bus station and went straight to the tube station to go back to Putney. Oooh.. what a day !!!! full of walking, full of pictures taking… not enough shopping… everything’s soooo expensive !!
We’ll catch up again later okay liv…
still miss you a lot..
ayah dicky
It was really cold and wet...
Hi hunny,
I want to continue telling you stories of our journey in London… you know what, a lot of people said to us that we were having second honeymoon… well they were not entirely wrong… we were having honeymoon but it’s was not entirely right either since honestly we never had the real first honeymoon. As I have told you earlier, I was a trainee in Unilever when getting married to mommy and I was not able to really go away for a honeymoon since I was not allowed to have leave yet. So, technically this is our first honeymoon…. So this is the first part of our journey in london and paris.Knowing our very limited time in London, we didn’t want to waste any time. After we had lunch in wa willy’s house (wa ibu cooked duck) we were ready to start exploring London. We put on our heavy jacket knowing it’s gonna be cold. Wa ibu drove us to Southfield tube station (the closest one to her house) because it was a bit raining while actually it’s very close and walking distance. Wa willy bought the tube ticket for us. It was 16.00 pm but the sky was already quite dark, as if it was 19.00 o’clock in the evening. We are going to go to Oxford Street since according to wa willy,almost all the stores there has started their Christmas sale and program. Well, Oxford st. & Regent st. is one of the center of shopping area in London, where almost all top brands open their stores, and big retail chain such as Mark and Spencers, Debenhams, etc. also present there. We used district line tube and stopped once in Earls Court station to change the line to Picadilly line and get off the station in Picadilly Circus station. It was really dark as if it’s evening already and to make it worse it was raining hard. Picadilly Street is like Times Square in NYC, one of the landmark of the city. Btw, as narcissist we took a lot of photos since we were on the tube and continued on the street. It was really cold !!! the rain and the wind really made it worse…. We walked to Leicester square and saw some of the theatres there although we didn’t watch any of the show. We had dinner at 18.00 in KFC (we went all the way to London, and having dinner in KFC ?????? might as well have it in Ambassador mall). But, we just wanted to grab quick bite since we just had late lunch in wa willy’s house. The meal package cost about 4 pounds (around Rp 80.000) very expensive considering we can get the same package for less than 1.5 pounds in Indonesia… yeah this is London.. one of the most expensive city in the world…. Then we were heading toward Regent street… unfortunately most of the stores were already closed by that time (and it was only about 19.00). so we didn’t get the chance to browse around… we ended just taking pictures….lots and lots of pictures.. (amazing how digital camera has helped us a lot with this !!!). Oxford street started to have been illuminated by lights… Christmas lights !! amazingly beautiful….London with all the old buildings, narrow street, double deckers, and funny taxis is really a beautiful city… We had quite good walk from Picadilly Circus to Leicester Square, then strolled along to Regent st. and Oxford st. in a really cold, windy, and wet condition…Welcome to London in winter !!! we then went back to wa willy’s house using tube again at around 20.00… what a day !! considering I haven’t slept for almost 24 hours… but it was really fun and worth it…. Will continue with the story tomorrow ya liv….
miss you a lot
ayah dicky
I want to continue telling you stories of our journey in London… you know what, a lot of people said to us that we were having second honeymoon… well they were not entirely wrong… we were having honeymoon but it’s was not entirely right either since honestly we never had the real first honeymoon. As I have told you earlier, I was a trainee in Unilever when getting married to mommy and I was not able to really go away for a honeymoon since I was not allowed to have leave yet. So, technically this is our first honeymoon…. So this is the first part of our journey in london and paris.Knowing our very limited time in London, we didn’t want to waste any time. After we had lunch in wa willy’s house (wa ibu cooked duck) we were ready to start exploring London. We put on our heavy jacket knowing it’s gonna be cold. Wa ibu drove us to Southfield tube station (the closest one to her house) because it was a bit raining while actually it’s very close and walking distance. Wa willy bought the tube ticket for us. It was 16.00 pm but the sky was already quite dark, as if it was 19.00 o’clock in the evening. We are going to go to Oxford Street since according to wa willy,almost all the stores there has started their Christmas sale and program. Well, Oxford st. & Regent st. is one of the center of shopping area in London, where almost all top brands open their stores, and big retail chain such as Mark and Spencers, Debenhams, etc. also present there. We used district line tube and stopped once in Earls Court station to change the line to Picadilly line and get off the station in Picadilly Circus station. It was really dark as if it’s evening already and to make it worse it was raining hard. Picadilly Street is like Times Square in NYC, one of the landmark of the city. Btw, as narcissist we took a lot of photos since we were on the tube and continued on the street. It was really cold !!! the rain and the wind really made it worse…. We walked to Leicester square and saw some of the theatres there although we didn’t watch any of the show. We had dinner at 18.00 in KFC (we went all the way to London, and having dinner in KFC ?????? might as well have it in Ambassador mall). But, we just wanted to grab quick bite since we just had late lunch in wa willy’s house. The meal package cost about 4 pounds (around Rp 80.000) very expensive considering we can get the same package for less than 1.5 pounds in Indonesia… yeah this is London.. one of the most expensive city in the world…. Then we were heading toward Regent street… unfortunately most of the stores were already closed by that time (and it was only about 19.00). so we didn’t get the chance to browse around… we ended just taking pictures….lots and lots of pictures.. (amazing how digital camera has helped us a lot with this !!!). Oxford street started to have been illuminated by lights… Christmas lights !! amazingly beautiful….London with all the old buildings, narrow street, double deckers, and funny taxis is really a beautiful city… We had quite good walk from Picadilly Circus to Leicester Square, then strolled along to Regent st. and Oxford st. in a really cold, windy, and wet condition…Welcome to London in winter !!! we then went back to wa willy’s house using tube again at around 20.00… what a day !! considering I haven’t slept for almost 24 hours… but it was really fun and worth it…. Will continue with the story tomorrow ya liv….
miss you a lot
ayah dicky
London, Here We come..
Hi my sweetest Hunny !
How are ya doin, liv…. Finally the moment that we have been waiting for weeks has arrived. Mommy and daddy were going to London. We took Emirates as our flight since we thought the fare is very reasonable and we heard the quality of the planes, the entertainment, the foods are quite good…and of course we took economy class and not the business class, the fare for business class to London is just way too much if we have to pay ourself (unless being paid by company as usual). Our flight is on Saturday November 17, at 22.00. so in the morning and afternoon we still could take Adelle and Aliyya for their performance in Pasaraya… Adelle was doing the fashion show while Aliyya was doing fashion show and singing… they performed quite well though… we can see that Adelle is very talented in walking on runaway.Then at 19.00 we took a cab to go to airport, Adelle and Aliyya are still awake, but they were good girls...they are brave girls. So nobody cried…. Thank God !! otherwise it will be tough for me to leave them for a full week…. Like I told you last time… I’m worry too much…I'm paranoid..
We got to the Cengkareng at 20.00, so still plenty of time to spend time and chat with mommy in the lounge, I was a bit hesitant to use SQ lounge with my PPS Card because last time I was rejected bringing a company (new rule forbid us to take somebody who doesn’t have SQ ticket… damn rule!) we have choiced to go to Citibank lounge or ANZ lounge but finally we decided to spend the hour chit chating in Starbuck…it’s always nice to talk and laugh with mommy…. So the hour was really worth it to spend…till we were called for boarding… the plane was on time and as expected the plane is fairly new plane, Boeing 777 ER, but as expected too, the space was soooooo little…. matter of fact I should not complain because I should have known that economy class supposed to be this tight…(as I get accustomed flying all around the world with business class…paid by Unilever… he he he…).
Surprisingly, The flight was not that full…not too long, mommy went into deep sleep…. lucky her… while I was trying hard to keep my eyes closed… we stopped over in Kuala Lumpur for an hour… and apparently the flight from KL to was full !! again I barely could keep my eyes closed to get some sleep… I move here and there to find the best position to sleep….I couldn’t !! on well…. economy class.. what do you expect… good thing the entertainment system surprisingly is very good, in fact, I might say it's even better than SQ (which I frequently use). The food is also hot and tasty… pretty good for economy class…. Amazingly the flight attendant mostly are oriental looks !!(Korean I supposed), and not Arabs as I expected earlier… they are quite friendly and gave good service.
The flight from KL to Dubai took about 8 hours and due to time difference, we arrived in Dubai at around 5 o clock… which I spent most of my flight time reading, listening to “Sempurna” from my iPod and reading…Darn, I forgot my Paulo Coelho…I managed to sleep a bit… but barely, I guess.. Dubai Airport apparently isn’t as nice as we expected, it’s not that big and not too many stores either… Changi is much much better than this one… and sooo many people slept on the floor !!! it’s soo arab !! ha ha ha… we have about 2 hours until boarding, so we went to some duty free stores just browsing around… and found out that the price is not cheaper either !! so we decided not to buy anything.
The flight from Dubai to London Heatrow took around 6 hours, and again I still couldn’t sleep…. Having problem with my sitting position and the fact that I don’t have much support (fat) on my behind that make my butt a bit tired and stiff…Mommy, as again… dozed off… lucky her… so again I spent my time reading, listening to my iPod and played my PSP (Sooooo happy bringing my PSP!!). We arrived in Heathrow at 11.50, which is 5 minutes delayed than the time we supposed to arrive, despite 45 minutes delay when we started flying… the immigration is easy and the officer was a lady which is quite friendly… only took about 5 minutes we already claimed our luggage… the first bag came quite quick.. but the big one took quite long.. we started to worry.. since in that big bag, Nini asked us to bring 4kg of grind spices for fried chicken…we were aftraid that this will create problems in the immigration, knowing life stocks, plants, animal, etc are not allowed to be brought to UK from abroad.. Alhamdulillah after waiting for about 20 minutes the bag finally appeared… fuiiih !!!! Wa Willy has been waiting in the arrival lounge…so off we go to Putney !! thank God we were picked up by wa willy, otherwise we have to pay about 60 pounds to get to his house…the weather was a bit gloomy but not raining… and we got lost for a bit… eventhough wa willy use Satnav in his car… apparently… he is very rare going to heathrow using the car… ha ha ha..
From the airport to wa willy's house took about 30 minutes (it’s Sunday remember… so not many cars on the road)… So finally we met again with your favorite cousin Laras… and Fadhlan, and Wa Ibu… they seems happy to meet us…wa Willy's house is in the suburb of London called Putney (near Wimbledon Tennis stadium) and near home of Fulham soccer team, it’s a new house with 3 storeys and 5 bed rooms…the land is not that big but the space is so spacious and efficient… I love it.. I want to rebuild our house like that…the color is off white and all the bed sheets are white… it was really cold liv….London here we come... Gotta go liv… next time I’ll tell you the trip and experience in London. I wish you came with us
Hugs and kisses
Ayah dicky…
How are ya doin, liv…. Finally the moment that we have been waiting for weeks has arrived. Mommy and daddy were going to London. We took Emirates as our flight since we thought the fare is very reasonable and we heard the quality of the planes, the entertainment, the foods are quite good…and of course we took economy class and not the business class, the fare for business class to London is just way too much if we have to pay ourself (unless being paid by company as usual). Our flight is on Saturday November 17, at 22.00. so in the morning and afternoon we still could take Adelle and Aliyya for their performance in Pasaraya… Adelle was doing the fashion show while Aliyya was doing fashion show and singing… they performed quite well though… we can see that Adelle is very talented in walking on runaway.Then at 19.00 we took a cab to go to airport, Adelle and Aliyya are still awake, but they were good girls...they are brave girls. So nobody cried…. Thank God !! otherwise it will be tough for me to leave them for a full week…. Like I told you last time… I’m worry too much…I'm paranoid..
We got to the Cengkareng at 20.00, so still plenty of time to spend time and chat with mommy in the lounge, I was a bit hesitant to use SQ lounge with my PPS Card because last time I was rejected bringing a company (new rule forbid us to take somebody who doesn’t have SQ ticket… damn rule!) we have choiced to go to Citibank lounge or ANZ lounge but finally we decided to spend the hour chit chating in Starbuck…it’s always nice to talk and laugh with mommy…. So the hour was really worth it to spend…till we were called for boarding… the plane was on time and as expected the plane is fairly new plane, Boeing 777 ER, but as expected too, the space was soooooo little…. matter of fact I should not complain because I should have known that economy class supposed to be this tight…(as I get accustomed flying all around the world with business class…paid by Unilever… he he he…).
Surprisingly, The flight was not that full…not too long, mommy went into deep sleep…. lucky her… while I was trying hard to keep my eyes closed… we stopped over in Kuala Lumpur for an hour… and apparently the flight from KL to was full !! again I barely could keep my eyes closed to get some sleep… I move here and there to find the best position to sleep….I couldn’t !! on well…. economy class.. what do you expect… good thing the entertainment system surprisingly is very good, in fact, I might say it's even better than SQ (which I frequently use). The food is also hot and tasty… pretty good for economy class…. Amazingly the flight attendant mostly are oriental looks !!(Korean I supposed), and not Arabs as I expected earlier… they are quite friendly and gave good service.
The flight from KL to Dubai took about 8 hours and due to time difference, we arrived in Dubai at around 5 o clock… which I spent most of my flight time reading, listening to “Sempurna” from my iPod and reading…Darn, I forgot my Paulo Coelho…I managed to sleep a bit… but barely, I guess.. Dubai Airport apparently isn’t as nice as we expected, it’s not that big and not too many stores either… Changi is much much better than this one… and sooo many people slept on the floor !!! it’s soo arab !! ha ha ha… we have about 2 hours until boarding, so we went to some duty free stores just browsing around… and found out that the price is not cheaper either !! so we decided not to buy anything.
The flight from Dubai to London Heatrow took around 6 hours, and again I still couldn’t sleep…. Having problem with my sitting position and the fact that I don’t have much support (fat) on my behind that make my butt a bit tired and stiff…Mommy, as again… dozed off… lucky her… so again I spent my time reading, listening to my iPod and played my PSP (Sooooo happy bringing my PSP!!). We arrived in Heathrow at 11.50, which is 5 minutes delayed than the time we supposed to arrive, despite 45 minutes delay when we started flying… the immigration is easy and the officer was a lady which is quite friendly… only took about 5 minutes we already claimed our luggage… the first bag came quite quick.. but the big one took quite long.. we started to worry.. since in that big bag, Nini asked us to bring 4kg of grind spices for fried chicken…we were aftraid that this will create problems in the immigration, knowing life stocks, plants, animal, etc are not allowed to be brought to UK from abroad.. Alhamdulillah after waiting for about 20 minutes the bag finally appeared… fuiiih !!!! Wa Willy has been waiting in the arrival lounge…so off we go to Putney !! thank God we were picked up by wa willy, otherwise we have to pay about 60 pounds to get to his house…the weather was a bit gloomy but not raining… and we got lost for a bit… eventhough wa willy use Satnav in his car… apparently… he is very rare going to heathrow using the car… ha ha ha..
From the airport to wa willy's house took about 30 minutes (it’s Sunday remember… so not many cars on the road)… So finally we met again with your favorite cousin Laras… and Fadhlan, and Wa Ibu… they seems happy to meet us…wa Willy's house is in the suburb of London called Putney (near Wimbledon Tennis stadium) and near home of Fulham soccer team, it’s a new house with 3 storeys and 5 bed rooms…the land is not that big but the space is so spacious and efficient… I love it.. I want to rebuild our house like that…the color is off white and all the bed sheets are white… it was really cold liv….London here we come... Gotta go liv… next time I’ll tell you the trip and experience in London. I wish you came with us
Hugs and kisses
Ayah dicky…
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